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No need to spend time making stairs that their plans are available Artakan Create Stairs plugin does this for you an special plugin for 3ds Max Easy to convert 2D to 3D steps with high details
19.99$ Buy Now 30 DAY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!


Easy to use

Only three clicks

2009 and highest versions

An installation on 2009 and highest versions (normal & design)

Fully Parametric

Production Fences fully parametric

ID Materials

ID materials classified as eight ID

Most Detailed

A plan of step with the most detailed three-dimensional

Three Types Stairs

Making three steps: Open, Close & Box


Adjust the step height and stepping stone Making steps forehead fully parametric


Apply a Multi Sub Object material with appropriate nomenclauture



-Bug fixes -Update handrail -The slope of under the stairs in type closed


Changes in version 2.3.0 1-Support for most stairs based on user feedback 2-Support the stairs with more than two landings 3-Making plans with over one hundred steps 4-handrail quite flexible 5-Making curved staircase in angular stairs 6-Build a handrail and landing complex

3.0.0 (2015 30 JUNE)

- Adds an 'Offset handrail' feature - Adds support for presets - Improvements to the user interface

We know you’ll love our plugins & free support. Plus, with our Money Back Guarantee, it's risk-free. Build your stairs with confidence!.
You get instant access to the Artakan Create Stairs Downloads plugin download page, where you can download the plugin and any updates for a period of 12 months or up to 15 times, which ever comes first.
Version 3.0.0 is the latest version released (2015 30 june)